Hyper Local

Contains content that is geographically near a offices location, near is defined by the offices service area defined in their account settings section. Typically an office has a service area of 5km or more sometimes less.


Contains content that is geographically suitable for an office, this means that articles should cover larger areas and not speak specifically to one suburb or place. Content in this category should always have the “Generic” tag added to ensure it is available to offices within an expanded services area. When the generic tag is applied to a piece of content it can be used by offices that are around 30 km from the location of the content. The exact distance from the content location depends on this offices service area.


Contains content that is not geographically defined, this means that articles are general in nature and do not speak about specific places a good example would be “Top 5 Tidying Tips”. Content in this category will rarely require tags to be added.

Social Estate Content Metadata


Content should be provided with a location where it relates to a specific place or suburb, adding a location means this content will be treated as more valuable content and prioritised above other more generic content in the category. When content has a location it must fall inside the service area of an office for it to be used for an office.

Content Tags

Content tags are exclusive when you add a tag to a content item you are reducing the number of places or profiles that the content will appear. For this reason, they should be used sparingly. For example, when a state tag is applied “VIC” the content item can only be shown offices in VIC. There are a few situations when layering of tags and locations can become confusing if a content item has a location this will take priority over a state tag this is because a location is considered more specific. Location, Country and State tags should not be used in combination with each other only one is required.

State Tags

Restrict content to only appear on profiles located in the corresponding state


Country Tags

Restrict content to only appear on profiles located in the corresponding country

Tags: [AU, NZ, TAZ]

Season Tags

Restrict content to only appear on profiles during the corresponding season

Tags: [Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn]

Channel Tags

Restrict content to only appear within the corresponding channel, you may use one or more of these tags in combination for example adding Facebook and Instagram would mean the content can be published to both these networks, using one tag means it will only appear in one channel, using no tags will mean it can appear in all channels available to the offices account.

Tags: [Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn]