To create a post we start by creating a Custom Post, from your, Content Calendar select the day you would like the post to be scheduled on, from the pop-up modal select Custom Post. Select the social Channels you wish to post to, then select the Post Formate. Post formats vary from channel to channel, so you won't be able to create the exact same post for Instagram as you would for Facebook for example.
- Link (A post that sends users to a destination, either your website, a listing)
- Image (A single image post, if you add a link with this formate it will be added to the bottom of your caption as a special shortened version)
- Video (Single video, if you add a link with this formate it will be added to the bottom of your caption as a special shortened version)
- Gallery (Multiple images, if you add a link with this formate it will be added to the bottom of your caption as a special shortened version)
- Carousel (Multiple images in a strip that can be scrolled through horizontally)
Once the post is ready, select "Schedule" at the bottom.