Content categories help you stay organised by allowing you to logically group your content, by default you account comes with a number of pre-configured categories common to real estate businesses. These typically include categories for your listings, For Sale, Sold, For Lease, Leased, Testimonials, Marketing. These categories can be edited, removed or extended based on your needs.

You can manage your content categories from the profile menu, select "Content Categories" from here you will see a list of the categories configured for your account, to rename a category edit the label field. Some content categories require additional options to be set like Listings, these categories need to be assigned a Mode so the system knows how to sync your CRM data with your content categories. You can also set the Default to publish type, the default publishes type means than when a post is added to your schedule manually it will default to the typeset, Note: This setting will be overridden by the settings in your social Schedule.

You can also create content categories for more general content like that used in marketing posts. When creating a category for general content you have the added option to set custom metadata fields for the category, these fields allow you to add additional details to a content item for use in dynamic templates. Note: General content categories do not require a mode to be set as is required with listings.

Typical Content Categories:

For Sale

Contains your newest residential sales listings


Contains your recent sales

For Lease

Contains your newest rental listings


Contains your recently leased listings


Contains reviews received form Rate My Agent, Real Estate, Facebook and Google. Testimonials can also be added manually for those that have come to you via email or other formats.

Blog Articles

This is the category where you'll add any blog articles and other content resources available on your website.


This category contains your marketing related content and seasonal offers, content added here is designed for lead generation and sending users to a specific form or page on your website.