Before you can create a Newsletter campaign you first need to create a template for your newsletter, this allows you to define how the email should look and where the elements should be placed.
A newsletter template should contain a placeholder for social posts titles "social-posts-placeholder".
First off, go to your email templates section "Marketing > Email Templates" and create a new template called "Newsletter" this will provide you with a blank email.
Once you have you blank email template you can complete your design, from the blocks on the right drag the following blocks onto your canvas "Footer", "Header" and "Social Posts Placeholder"
These blocks are preconfigured and don't require editing unless you really need to, your business logo will be automatically provided from your account settings section. The "Social Posts Placeholder" should not be edited, this is a special section which will be replaced when you create your newsletter campaign, later on, it is also required when [automating your newsletter].
You can also add a default intro to the template rather than having to recreate it with each send. This can be handy if you have a standard format you would like your team to adhere to. You can also use merge tags when creating this template, merge tags will be replaced with their contacts details when the email is sent.
Now we can create a Newsletter campaign. Click save and go to your campaigns "Marketing > Campaigns > Create Campaign" and from the available "Quick Starts" select Newsletter.
Provide a descriptive title o you can easily remember what the campaign is for, select the list that the email should be sent to, check "Include recent social posts" and select the email template to use, this will be the email template you created in the previous step. Select "Create".
Once created your most recent social posts will be added to your email template. You can also add listings to your emails by dragging the Feature Property" block onto your canvas.