By connecting your Rate My Agent profile(s) Social Estate will automatically import existing and new reviews to your content library for easy use in your social media schedules and promotion through Facebook and Google Ads.

Connecting a profile.

Settings > Team Members

Each team member of your business can have a profile, profiles contain details for team members which are used in posts and promotions.

Go to your businesses Rate My Agent Agency profile and select Agents.

This will show all the agents associated with your business if you don't see some of your agents here you will need to associate them with your business.


Vist each of the profiles in the list to reveal the URL for each, copy the URL form your browser and past it in the field provided against each team members profile.


Reviews will be updated daily, you can initate a sync at anytime from the "Content Library". To initiate a manul sync go to yourr "Content Library" and select the "Sync Library" button.